Collection of Drago Muvrin's African objects of art

Svira: --- 
Prediction plate
Inv. num. 169

d=27 cm

Purpose: ritual

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Wooden oval plate with a 4 cm wide edge and decorated with relief ornaments with geometrical patterns and plant motifs.

The prediction plate (opon ifa) is used on the occasions of the Ifa predictions that are traditional in the Yoruba population.  In the event of personal or social problems and doubts, the Yorubas address Orunmila, god of wisdom, through the prophet or the Ifa priest.  The numerical patterns are obtained by the throwing of the palm fruit and marked on the prediction plate, covered with the tree dust.  At the same time, the prophet sings the rhymes reflecting beliefs, history, language and modern social problems of the Yorubas.
The system of the Ifa predictions was entered into the UNESCO's Representative List of Intangible World Heritage in the year 2008.

Figurine - female doll; Aku'ba Figurine – female twin; Igbo Mask worn on the top of the head; Chi Wara Qween mother's head
Manila – armlet and ankle bracelet Prediction plate Bowl Drum; Talking drum; Iya'lu dundun
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